Sat.Jan 18, 2020 - Fri.Jan 24, 2020

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Three Myths About College Visits…Debunked!

the college spy

Myth #1: Visiting colleges is a waste of time and money. I can learn everything I need to know on the Internet and from books and guides. Looking at the buildings will not help me decide if a college is right for me. Visiting campuses is an essential part of the college selection process. You will spend several years of your life as a student at the college you ultimately choose.

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Seniors: Colleges Still Looking for Students

Humbach Education Consulting

Did you get started late applying to colleges? Or perhaps you got your December test scores back and you are reconsidering what colleges you are applying to? Don’t worry! There are many colleges that you can apply to in January and after (even some through August). Here are a few tips for finding colleges/universities with open applications: Schools with Rolling Admissions: Rolling admission schools review applications essentially in the order that they are received.

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Underclassmen: What are the top 5 Myths about Paying for College?

Humbach Education Consulting

Here are 5 myths about paying for college that counselors often hear. Don’t fall victim to these myths! 1. My family makes too much money to qualify for financial aid. This is one of the biggest myths out there. You may not qualify for aid at one school, and qualify for lots of money at another school (see blog How Do You Get Money for College?) 2. It costs more to go out-of-state than to stay in-state.