College Standardized Testing Pros and Cons: Make an Informed Decision

Should colleges require standardized testing? And what should students do if tests are optional? Learn about the pros and cons of standardized testing.
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Ben Paris is an elite tutor and test prep expert with over 25 years of experience. He is a former curriculum director for Kaplan Test Prep and has created industry-leading and award-winning test preparation courses. Ben has published essays in Inside...
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Jane Nam is a staff writer for BestColleges' Data Center. Before her work on higher education data trends, Jane was a news writer and the managing editor for an academic journal. She has graduate degrees in social and political philosophy and women's...
Updated on June 6, 2024
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  • Standardized tests allow schools to compare the skills of students from different academic backgrounds.
  • Strong scores can help you gain admission, avoid remedial classes, and earn scholarships.
  • Research shows that SAT/ACT scores are better at predicting college GPAs than high school GPAs.
  • However, preparing for standardized tests takes time and money. Additionally, research shows a correlation between test scores and factors like an applicant's race and socioeconomic status.

Colleges and universities use standardized tests such as the SAT, ACT, and GRE to help figure out who will succeed in higher education. The SAT and ACT are used for undergraduate admissions, whereas the GRE is used for graduate programs.

Recently, many colleges and graduate programs have gone test optional, meaning applicants don't need to submit test scores to get in.

But even those schools typically accept test scores if applicants want to submit them. So, the question is: Should you take one of these tests?

Read on for the pros and cons of standardized testing and why some applicants are better off not taking these exams.

Pros and Cons of Standardized Testing, According to the Research

Harvard, Brown, Yale, Cornell, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Dartmouth, and the University of Texas are just some of the growing number of schools retracting their test-optional policies. New York University (NYU) is considering reinstating its test requirement for the following cycle, in line with the other universities.

What are the pros and cons of standardized testing that schools may be debating?

Pros of Standardized Testing in College Admissions

  • Check Circle
    Standardized exams were originally designed to be aptitude tests that more fairly compared students across the country. The aim was to give talented students more opportunities, regardless of family ties and background. In other words, standardized tests were intended to benefit students from more disadvantaged backgrounds.
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    Test scores may be a more fair assessment of student ability considering recent trends in grade inflation, which make it harder to compare students across different high schools. According to 2024 research by Opportunity Insights, higher SAT/ACT scores correlate with higher college GPAs compared to lower scores.
  • Check Circle
    The same 2024 Opportunity Insights research suggests that standardized tests are a good measure of academic readiness. The data shows that SAT/ACT scores are better at predicting college GPAs than high school GPAs.
  • Check Circle
    According to a BestColleges survey, the majority of students (56%) say that their test score helped their chances of getting accepted to the school of their choice. This is in comparison to the 34% who say their score may have hurt their chances.

Cons of Standardized Testing in College Admissions

  • X Circle
    For some students, standardized tests may be a barrier to entry. When Harvard University turned test-optional in 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic, its admissions office saw a 42% rise in applications.
  • X Circle
    Mandating standardized test scores for admission may hurt schools' diversity efforts. According to Jon Burdick, Cornell's vice provost for enrollment for fall 2021, Cornell enrolled a more diverse class after eliminating its test requirement, enrolling 50% more first-generation college students that year.
  • X Circle
    Students of color perform disproportionately worse on standardized tests. Based on College Board data from 2023, American Indian/Alaska Native and Black/African American students scored the lowest on the SAT. Differences in scores may be influenced by factors such as family income, gaps in resources, and racial bias.
  • X Circle
    Test prep courses are expensive, and taking standardized tests is less accessible for low-income students. The Princeton Review, one of the leading test prep publishers, charges $1,199 for its most popular online SAT prep bootcamp, which is 11 days long. The standardized exams themselves cost $60 per test ($68 to include the essay portion).
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What Students Should Know About Standardized Testing Pros and Cons

Many students find standardized testing very stressful. This makes sense, considering that test prep is both costly and time-consuming.

Explore the pros and cons of standardized testing and determine for yourself whether you should submit standardized test scores.

Pros of Taking the SAT and ACT

  • Check Circle
    A good SAT or ACT score can help you stand out in the applicant pool. GPA and other factors matter, but people go to different schools and take different classes, and that makes it hard to compare GPAs fairly. In contrast, SAT and ACT scores mean the same thing no matter when and where you take them. They're the same tests for everyone, so strong scores are evidence that your skills are better than those of your competition.
  • Check Circle
    A good score could help you avoid remedial courses. Every year, thousands of college students take remedial reading and math courses. Passing these courses doesn't earn you any academic credits, and you need to pass them to move on to credit-bearing courses. You can avoid these remedial courses by passing a placement test at your college. But at many institutions, a good SAT or ACT score can also help you bypass those courses and enroll in the classes you want. In this way, a good SAT or ACT score could save you thousands of dollars and years of effort.
  • Check Circle
    Test scores can factor into merit-based aid decisions and scholarships. If you do well enough on a standardized test, you could qualify for better merit-based financial aid from your college. Also, some state programs and private scholarships are partially based on SAT or ACT scores.

Cons of Taking the SAT and ACT

  • X Circle
    A bad SAT or ACT score calls attention to your weaknesses. Lots of people have academic weaknesses they'd prefer not to highlight. The SAT and ACT can help you advertise your strengths, but they can also expose your skill gaps. If your scores are low, you might look unprepared for college-level work.
  • X Circle
    It costs money to take these tests and report your results. Although fee waivers are available for those with demonstrated need, you can easily spend a few hundred dollars if you need to take the test a few times and report your results to several colleges.
  • X Circle
    Preparing for the SAT and ACT can get expensive. There are plenty of free or inexpensive self-study options, but enrolling in a test prep class is more of an investment. While private tutoring can be highly effective, paying an expert to teach you on a per-hour basis is usually more expensive.

Pros of Taking the GRE

  • Check Circle
    A good GRE score can show you have essential skills. The math and verbal skills required to do well on the GRE are important for many graduate programs. Engineering and computer science programs, for example, look for strong quantitative scores, while literature programs focus on your verbal performance. Writing skills are important everywhere.
  • Check Circle
    The GRE compares you to others. It's hard to compare students with different GPAs, essays, and recommendation letters — everyone's academic experience is different. But everyone takes the same GRE, allowing admissions committees to determine where your skills place you in the applicant pool.
  • Check Circle
    The GRE could help you earn scholarships. Some programs offer more merit-based aid for applicants with high GRE scores. Good scores may also help you with outside scholarships.

Cons of Taking the GRE

  • X Circle
    A low GRE score can hurt your chances of admission. If your scores are lower than those of typical applicants, your GRE score could hold you back.
  • X Circle
    In many programs, the GRE may not matter much. Programs that don't require the GRE may not care about your score, no matter how strong it is. Lots of programs don't have competitive admissions, and even a top score won't help you get in when basically everyone who applies gets accepted.
  • X Circle
    Doing your best on the GRE is an investment of time and money. Registering for the test typically costs about $220, and there are also charges for rescheduling and changing your test center. Test prep can be expensive and time-consuming. The GRE tests a lot of challenging vocabulary and math concepts you may not have practiced since high school. You can improve your skills, but it won't be easy.

Should You Take a Standardized Test for College?

Many schools are test-optional, so if you want to avoid taking the SAT, ACT, or GRE, you probably can. But should you?

First, find out if any of your target schools require one of these tests.

Then, take a practice test to see if you're likely to score high enough to get in. If you're applying to competitive programs and do well on the practice test, investing in test prep could be a wise move.

But if you're pretty much guaranteed to get in anyway or aren't likely to do well on the exam, avoiding the test altogether may make more sense for you.

Ultimately, consider taking a standardized test if:

  • It's required by some of your target programs.
  • Admissions are competitive, and you need a way to stand out.
  • You're likely to do well enough to stand out in a positive way.

Frequently Asked Questions About Standardized Testing

Does standardized testing actually help students?

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Students who earn strong scores on standardized tests can improve their chances of admission, avoid remedial classes in college, and qualify for more merit-based aid. Students with low scores may have a harder time getting admitted into colleges and graduate programs and can look unprepared to succeed.

Has standardized testing improved student outcomes?

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Whether standardized testing has improved student outcomes remains controversial. Schools use standardized tests to help them predict who will succeed. Those who think the tests measure relevant skills typically believe the tests serve a valuable purpose in education. However, lots of people disagree, believing the tests are an unfair barrier and discriminate against disadvantaged students.

What do colleges sometimes use instead of standardized testing?

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Many colleges consider grades, essays, letters of recommendation, and work experience during the admissions process. Test-optional programs believe they can learn everything they need to know about an applicant without relying on standardized test scores. is an advertising-supported site. Featured or trusted partner programs and all school search, finder, or match results are for schools that compensate us. This compensation does not influence our school rankings, resource guides, or other editorially-independent information published on this site.

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