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Many bright, motivated students struggle to reach their full potential because they lack the time management and organizational skills necessary to succeed. Even more than demanding teachers and rigorous courses, the greatest challenge of middle school and high school can be staying organized and making time for so many projects and assignments. We hear from students every year who find themselves losing track of deadlines, struggling to focus on their homework, or tackling major projects at the last minute. We can help! Meet Jen, our Organization and Time Management Tutor.

We spoke with Jen to learn more about her approach:

What do you see as some of the factors that lead to students procrastinating? 

Procrastination is a natural part of being human! We are wired to prioritize short term goals over long term goals, so it can be very challenging for students to motivate themselves to, say, start studying for an exam that’s two weeks away when social media is readily available and brings immediate gratification to our brain’s reward system. We also tend to avoid unpleasant and difficult tasks as much as we can, and our students often have many tough assignments that they understandably put off, especially when the assignments pile up and become even more aversive in aggregate. The college application process in particular can feel overwhelming and infinite, which is the perfect combination to bring on procrastination. Of course, the longer we avoid a task the more difficult it is to get started!

How can a student best manage their time during high school with so much on their plates?

The key to effective time management is building a strong organizational system that the student is motivated to use. Thoughtful, advanced planning and prioritization are absolutely essential given the full plates of our students. We love working with our students to design systems that fit the way they think and work best, and having this in place as early as possible allows our students to thrive as they take on more responsibilities, complex coursework, and extracurricular activities.

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Anxiety is on the rise, According to the National Institutes of Health, nearly 1 in 3  of all adolescents ages 13 to 18 will experience an anxiety disorder. Why do you think this is so?

Prevalence rates for anxiety disorders among young people were on the rise before Covid-19, and these numbers climbed much higher during the pandemic as kids, teens, and their families faced social isolation, loss, and uncertainty. Academic pressure is often cited by teenagers as the largest contributor to anxiety, which is no surprise given the competitiveness of college admissions and the overwhelming number of activities and responsibilities our students juggle. Setting reasonable, achievable goals and organizing one’s space and time can significantly reduce anxiety and give students a stronger sense of confidence and self-efficacy.

What are some of the key components of your Organization & Time Management program for Top Tier Admissions?

We start by getting to know the student and talking with them about their study habits, strengths, and growth areas to tailor the program to their specific needs and goals. We consider and prioritize the many responsibilities of the student (e.g., homework assignments, studying for exams, standardized test prep, extra-curriculars, athletics, etc.) and divide them into more manageable, bite-sized tasks that can be accomplished daily, weekly, and monthly. We then work together to develop an organizational system that works well for the student, using digital and paper calendar tools and integrating them with systems provided by their school. We monitor progress and adapt often as the student learns more about their own organizational style. We also design the student’s study space to minimize distractions and ensure they are optimizing for focus and productivity, and address procrastination and optimize time management with evidence-based approaches. Last but not least, we emphasize balance and the importance of reinforcing hard work with relaxation and fun!

Jen graduated Cum Laude from Dartmouth College and earned her doctorate in clinical psychology at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Jen has worked in psychology, journalism, marketing, and teaching roles throughout her career and published several peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. At Top Tier Admissions, Jen loves working with students to identify and develop their academic interests and strengths as they prepare for college.

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